2019 MARCH:
Jawbone Puppet Theater is delighted to join
the Bellingham Puppet and Mask Festival!
Thursday, March 21, and Friday March 22, 7pm at the Alternative Library in Bellingham.
We will present several shows each night!

2019 APRIL:
Jawbone Puppet Theater presents:
Beer & Puppet Theater: The puppet slam!
Don’t miss this fun-filled weekend of short form adult and experimental puppetry!
Friday, April 5, two shows at 7pm & 9pm, at Cafe Racer, 5828 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle.
Saturday, April 6, 8pm, at Camp Colvos Brewing,17636 Vashon Hwy SW, Vashon, WA
Tickets at the door $8 (No one turned away for lack of funds!)
At Cafe Racer, the early show at 7pm will feature funny, surreal and violent fun for all ages, including a duplicitous 2-legged serpent, and an old lady devoured by wild beasts.
The late show at Cafe Racer at 9pm is a special racy adult only show. Expect strong language, a dirty bible story, explicit puppet on puppet sex, and unspeakable acts with a sexy mule.
The Vashon Island show at Camp Colvos Brewing at 8pm is all ages.
This is our third in an ongoing series of slams. Featured performers: Steven Lipke, the hairy clown prophet comes out of the the woods to speak to you in psychedelic tongues; Linda Comer with charming puppetry and off key singing; the cute as hell Okrent-Grau Family Players present “The Apple Family;” Manuel Alvarez comforts us with his lovely puppets, gentle voice, and hypnotic manner; the great Jason Webley presents “peep show,” which is sure to be some kind of silliness; Vashon’s own wunderkind, clown musician extraordinaire, Luz Gaxiola brings us feats of derring do and accordion delight; young puppeteer, Ling Ling will school you on some old time Vashon -Maury Island history, like you’ve never heard it before, complete with goblins and gnomes; and of course Adam Ende’s Jawbone Puppet Theater will amaze you with what they can make the puppets do.
To learn more about puppet slams across the nation, and the history of puppet slams, check out http://puppetslam.com/
Spring is right around the corner! Come out of hibernation for
some delicious, cold beer, yummy food, and cutting-edge puppet shows!
Our puppet slam series give local artists and puppeteers a chance to fearlessly experiment, have fun, collaborate, and face the challenge of creating new work on a regular basis. The goal is to both create community and collaborative opportunity for local artists, and to treat local audiences to fun, new, experimental, and thought provoking performance art, created and presented locally.
If you would like to join us, visit the Jawbone Puppet Studio in Dockton, Maury Island, or present or collaborate on a show at a future slam, please contact Adam Ende, founder and janitor of Jawbone Puppet Theater, at 347-455-5558.
Stay tuned for the next installment in late July.
Check out https://www.caferacerseattle.com
and check out http://campcolvos.com/

2019 Feb
Jawbone Puppet Theater Presents:
A very jawbone puppet slam!
Don’t miss this fun-filled weekend of short form adult and experimental puppetry!
Friday, February 1, 7pm.
Beer & Puppet Theater at Cafe Racer,
5828 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle.
Saturday, February 2, 7pm
Beef Heart & Puppet Theater at Spoke,
9923 SW 178th st, Vashon Island.
Right in downtown Vashon, across the street from the Post Office, and Chase Bank, right down the street from the Vashon Theater.
Tickets at the door $8 (In an ongoing commitment to keep this event accessible to the community, no one turned away for lack of funds!) What a bargain!
Delicious food and tasty beer at Cafe Racer!
And as a special Vashon Island winter treat (at the Vashon show only)—one free cup of beef heart ginger soup with every ticket! Warm your belly, warm your heart! There may be some other snacks and refreshments available, but I’m not promising anything other than beef heart.
What is a puppet slam? Puppet slams feature short-form adult puppetry and object theater. And please don’t forget a healthy dose of clowns! The Puppet Slam Network says, “Puppet Slams exist at the nexus of vaudeville, burlesque, and performance art through the intersection of experimental theater, art, music, and dance as a viable alternative to the culturally homogenous digital mass media.” The Jawbone Puppet Slam is unique in that alongside performances by our seasoned veteran puppeteers, we are taking pains to collaborate with the next generation of up and coming young puppeteers, and feature shows created and performed with kids. In this second edition of our slam, Ling Ling, Daniela, and Aitana, your favorite 11, 9 and 5-year-old puppeteers are back!
To learn more about puppet slams across the nation, and the history of puppet slams, check out http://puppetslam.com/
People of all ages are welcome to enjoy the show, but be forewarned that this is not what you may have come to expect from “family friendly” entertainment. We avoid insipid cutesy pap—our shows are smarter and stranger than that.
This, our second in an ongoing series of slams, features shows by Seattle and Vashon Island’s best puppeteers—Steven Lipke, mystic clown hermit will be there with a bizarre clown worship ritual, ventriloquism by the great Gina Wilhelm, shadow puppets and songs by Linda Comer, the Okrent-Grau Family Players present the sad sad tale of Don Gato, we have a new Ellie & Clyde sketch from the zoo pack, Manuel Alvarez with a beautiful new toy theater piece, Clown musician extraordinaire Luz Gaxiola brings us feats of derring do and accordion delight, and quirky father/son act, Jawbone Puppet Theater will amaze you with tales of giant thinking machines, robots, and a futuristic sci fi soda can dispenser, in the Adventures of Ling Ling, Boy Inventor.
Our puppet slam series give local artists and puppeteers a chance to fearlessly experiment, have fun, collaborate, and face the challenge of creating new work on a regular basis. The goal is to both create community and collaborative opportunity for local artists, and to treat local audiences to fun, new, experimental, and thought provoking performance art, created and presented locally. Come out and enjoy some warmth, light, laughter and puppets in the deep dark heart of winter.
If you would like to join us, visit the Jawbone Puppet Studio in Dockton, Maury Island, or present or collaborate on a show at a future slam, please contact Adam Ende, founder and janitor of Jawbone Puppet Theater, at 347-455-5558. Stay tuned for the next installment in early April.
Check out https://www.caferacerseattle.com

2018 Nov
Jawbone Puppet Theater Presents:
Beer and Puppet Theater, A Puppet Slam!
Don’t miss this fun-filled night of short form adult and
experimental puppetry!
Seattle show:
Friday, November 30 at 7pm at cafe Racer,
Vashon Island show:
Saturday, December 1 at 7pm at the
Vashon Brewing Community Pub,
17205 Vashon Highway SW (across from the library).
What is a puppet slam? Puppet slams tend to feature short-form adult puppetry and object theater. The Jawbone Puppet Theater Puppet Slam is unique in that alongside performances by our seasoned veteran puppeteers, we are taking pains to collaborate with the next generation of up and coming young puppeteers, and feature shows created and performed by kids. In our first edition, we have included performances by 11, 9, and 3-year-old puppeteers.
People of all ages are welcome to enjoy the show, but be forewarned that this is not what you may have come to expect from “family friendly” entertainment. We avoid insipid cutesy pap—our shows are smarter and stranger than that.
Our first in this upcoming series of slams, features shows by Seattle and Vashon Island puppeteers—a Slovakian folktale, witches, esoteric clowns, and death by freezing, not to mention a little Kafka thrown in for good measure. 9-year-old writer/director, Daniela, presents “The story of the Mushroom King.” And there will be a 5th grade oral report on the flight patterns of the American Crow, which quickly spirals into madness. Our resident 3-year-old will be sharing what he has learned about the solar system. We encourage you to enjoy a beer while you enjoy the show!
To learn more about puppet slams across the nation, and the history of puppet slams, check out http://puppetslam.com/
We have started this series of puppet slams to give local artists and puppeteers a chance to fearlessly experiment, have fun, collaborate, and face the challenge of creating new work on a regular basis. The goal is to both create community and collaborative opportunity for local artists, and to treat local audiences to fun, new, experimental, and thought provoking performance art, created and presented locally. We are committed to keeping the shows accesible, and ticket prices low. We hope to draw people out of their caves, and create some warmth, light and laughter as we move into these long, dark winter months.
This is the first installment in a series of Puppet Slams. For the past several weeks, Jawbone Puppet Theater has opened its studio on Vashon Island to participating artists. We have been brainstorming, puppet making, rehearsing and laughing on a regular basis. These open workshops will be an ongoing feature for this and future slams.
We would like to invite artists of all ages, abilities, experience and skill level to join in and take part in upcoming slams. The next one will be coming up in mid-January, exact date tbd. If you are interested, and would like to get involved, and maybe even present or collaborate on a show at a future slam, please contact Adam Ende, founder and janitor of Jawbone Puppet Theater, at 347-455-5558.
Thanks to Cafe Racer and Vashon Brewing for hosting our first installments!
Check out https://www.caferacerseattle.com