I am the Founder and Janitor of Jawbone Puppet Theater, and an active member of the Junktown Duende collective.
I make things and performances.
I make some things by myself in my studio, and some things that involve organizing loads of people in public settings.
Some of the things I like to make are iconoclastic puppet shows, performances of all kinds, parades, large scale community pageants, clown stuff, comic books, sculptures, murals, drawings, paintings, puppets, masks, giant puppets, giant masks, and large-scale installations made out of assorted found oddities and various junk.
I like to make things out of trash, and a lot of my work involves transforming the detritus of society into beautiful things. Some of my favorite materials are cardboard, brown paper supermarket bags, broken bicycle inner tubes, foam from discarded couches, scraps of fabric, bits of wood, bamboo, old furniture, rusty old tools, bicycle parts, bones & skulls, and weird creepy dolls.
Take a look at some of these pictures of my work. Let me know how you like it!