Check it out! Art Zone With Nancy Guppy @azwithnancyguppy @azwithnancyg ( a local tv show about the Seattle art scene ) did a piece about me.

Hit me up for all your puppet needs. I am accepting commissions for puppets, masks, sculptures and more! You can hire me to perform puppet shows at your event or festival. Do you need a really special installation? I create strange and wonderful installations out of broken bicycles, creepy dolls, goat bones & rusty saws. Hire me to paint a mural, or work with your community and kids to create your own mural. I write, design, build, perform and direct shows. I make drawings and comics. I work with communities to create large scale parades and pageants about themselves. I teach workshops in all these things. How can I help you?
Follow me on Instagram where I post pictures of my work daily: @jawbonepuppettheater

What is Jawbone Puppet Theater doing during Global Pandemic?
Mostly growing turnips and making pickles.
No upcoming shows to report.
Here is a video we made about that.
(Special thanks to video master, Howard Shack, for helping us make this video. We couldn’t have done it without him!)
Previous pre-pandemic shows in WA...

Jawbone Puppet Theater and Friends at the Strawberry Festival, Vashon Island.
Sunday, July 21.
12:35pm & 2:05pm at the Ober Park Stage.
The best puppet shows, clowning & juggling for all ages!

Beer & Puppet Theater puppet slam.
The best in short form adult puppetry!
Curated by Jawbone Puppet Theater’s founder & janitor, Adam Ende.
•Friday, July 26, at Cafe Racer, Seattle. 2 shows 7pm & 10pm (the late show will be a little dirtier).
•Saturday, July 27, 9pm at Camp Colvos Brewing, Vashon Island.

Carnaval Cabaret
Saturday, August 3, 10pm at Snapdragon, Vashon Island.
Fun & funny adult only show!
Expect fire spinning, iconoclastic puppet shows, esoteric clowning, and circus music, existing “at the nexus of vaudeville, burlesque, and performance art through the intersection of experimental theater, art, music, and dance as a viable alternative to the culturally homogenous digital mass media.”

The Islewilde Big Show.
Sat Aug 10, 6pm
in the woods off Old Mill Road, Vashon Island.
Contact me for directions.
Come be one of the few lucky audience members who brave it into the woods to be transported into a magical wonderland & immersive theater experience. Not to be missed. Not for the feint of heart.

Jawbone Puppet Theater Puget Sound mini tour!
Wise Crows, Stupid Machines &
toy Dinosaurs:
Memoir of a Bohemian Puppet Family.
Join our quirky father/son puppet team on a quixotic adventure, in which we not only give you a peak into the real life joys and struggles of an itinerant puppet family, but also reveal shocking discoveries about the secret plans and obsessions of the crows, run into difficulties with an irksome thinking machine, and find out what they’ve really been hiding down in the basement of the Space Needle.
•Weds, August 14–Jewelbox Theater at the Rendezvous,
Belltown, Seattle, 7pm.
•Thursday, August 29, Cafe Racer, U-district, Seattle, 8pm
•Saturday, August 31, Camp Colvos Brewing, Vashon Island, 9pm
•More dates and venues TBA